How to Easily Share an Instagram Post to Your Story

Sharing an Instagram post to your story is a simple way to gain more exposure for your content. Whether you want to share your own post or repost user-generated content, the process is quick and easy. All you need to do is tap the paper airplane icon underneath a feed post and select “Add Post to Your Story.” From there, you can edit the post in your Instagram Story and add stickers or other elements to customize it. The shared post becomes a clickable sticker that links back to the original Instagram post. This is a great way to give credit to the original poster of user-generated content.

If you can’t find the share button on a feed post, it may be because you’re part of a test group for Instagram’s new “Reshare” sticker. In that case, you’ll need to create a story, tap the sticker tray icon, and select the “Reshare” sticker. This will allow you to select a post you’ve seen, saved, or added to your Instagram grid.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sharing an Instagram post to your story is a quick and easy way to gain more exposure for your content.
  • Tap the paper airplane icon underneath a feed post and select “Add Post to Your Story” to share the post to your story.
  • Edit the post in your Instagram Story and add stickers or other elements to customize it.
  • The shared post becomes a clickable sticker that links back to the original Instagram post.
  • If you can’t find the share button, you may be part of a test group for the new “Reshare” sticker that allows you to select a post from your feed, saved, or added to your Instagram grid.

Why Sharing Instagram Posts to Your Story is Beneficial

Sharing Instagram posts to your story has several benefits. First, it helps boost engagement on your posts by giving them additional exposure. When you share a post to your story, it becomes clickable, allowing your followers to easily access the original post and engage with it. This can lead to more likes, comments, and shares on your content. Increased engagement not only helps your posts perform better on the algorithm, but it also creates a sense of authenticity and trust with your audience.

Sharing user-generated content on your story is another way to benefit from sharing Instagram posts. By featuring content created by your followers, you not only showcase their work but also create a sense of community. It’s a great way to give credit to the original poster and show appreciation for their contribution. This can help foster a strong connection with your audience and encourage them to continue engaging with your brand.

In addition to engagement and community-building, sharing posts to your Instagram story also helps increase your visibility and reach on the platform. When your followers see your story, they may be compelled to reshare it or tag their friends, which can introduce your content to a wider audience. This can lead to new followers, increased brand exposure, and potentially even collaborations or partnerships.

Table: Benefits of Sharing Instagram Posts to Your Story

Benefits Description
Increased Engagement Sharing posts to your story allows followers to easily engage with your content, leading to more likes, comments, and shares.
Community Building Showcasing user-generated content fosters a sense of community and gives credit to the original poster.
Increased Visibility By sharing posts to your story, you can reach a wider audience, potentially gaining new followers and increasing brand exposure.

In conclusion, sharing Instagram posts to your story is a valuable strategy for increasing engagement, fostering a sense of community, and expanding your reach on the platform. Take advantage of this feature and leverage user-generated content to create an engaging and authentic presence on Instagram.

Benefits of sharing Instagram posts to story

Design Hacks for Sharing Instagram Feed Posts to Your Story

When it comes to sharing Instagram feed posts to your story, there are several design hacks you can utilize to elevate your content and create visually appealing Instagram stories. These design hacks will help you maintain a cohesive aesthetic and make your stories stand out. Whether you’re sharing your own posts or reposting user-generated content, these tips will help you create engaging and eye-catching stories.

Using Brand Colors

One design hack is to integrate your brand’s color palette into your repost stickers. By using the brush tool, you can select your brand’s colors and apply them to the repost sticker. This not only adds a touch of your brand’s identity to the post but also makes your stories look more uniform and on-brand. This design hack helps you maintain a consistent visual identity on your Instagram stories.

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Custom Designed Overlays

Another design hack is to create custom-designed overlays using popular editing apps such as Over, StoryBoost, Unfold, or Storyluxe. These apps allow you to create unique designs that sit on top of the repost sticker while still maintaining the ability for users to click through to the original post. This allows you to add creative elements and text to your stories, making them more engaging and visually appealing.

Creative Instagram Stickers

Don’t be afraid to use fun and creative Instagram overlay stickers to add additional elements to your stories. These stickers can range from doodles and illustrations to emojis and GIFs. Incorporating these stickers into your repost stickers can make your stories more unique and eye-catching. Experiment with different stickers and see which ones align with your brand and resonate with your audience.

In addition to these design hacks, you can also consider creating collage effects by layering multiple images around the post or using the “Add from Camera Roll” sticker to enhance the layout of your repost stickers. Leveraging text, brush strokes, and other Instagram stickers can also make your repost stickers more engaging and aligned with your brand’s aesthetic.

designing Instagram stories

Design Hack Benefits
Using Brand Colors Creates a consistent visual identity
Custom Designed Overlays Adds unique and creative elements
Creative Instagram Stickers Makes stories more eye-catching and engaging

How to Share Someone Else’s Post on Instagram

If you want to share someone else’s post on Instagram, you have a few options. First, you can use the Instagram story feature to share the post as a sticker. Simply click the arrow icon underneath the post and select “Add post to your Story.” This will create a clickable sticker that links back to the original post. However, keep in mind that the original poster may have disabled the ability to reshare their posts, so this option may not always be available.

Another option is to use a resharing app like Repost, which allows you to copy a post’s link and reshare it to your feed. This is a slightly more complex process, as it requires using an external app, but it can be a great way to give credit to the original poster and share their content with your followers.

To ensure proper etiquette when sharing someone else’s post, it’s best to ask for permission first. Reach out to the original poster and request their consent to share their content on your feed or story. Most creators are happy to grant permission as long as you give them proper credit for the photo or video. When reposting, it’s recommended to use a reposting app that automatically copies the original caption and tags the creator. If you choose to take a screenshot or use screen-recording to share someone else’s post, make sure to ask for permission and give credit in the caption.

Respecting the creators and their content is key to maintaining a positive and ethical presence on Instagram. By following these guidelines, you can share someone else’s post on Instagram while giving credit where it’s due.

Table: Comparison of Sharing Options

Sharing Method Pros Cons
Sharing as a Story Sticker
  • Easy and quick to do
  • Creates a clickable sticker linking to the original post
  • The original poster may have disabled resharing
  • Doesn’t allow for resharing to your feed
Using a Resharing App
  • Allows resharing to your feed
  • Provides options for giving credit to the original poster
  • Requires downloading and using an external app
  • More complex process compared to sharing as a sticker

How to Share Your Own Posts on Instagram

Sharing your own posts on Instagram is a straightforward process that allows you to showcase your photos and videos to your followers. To get started, click on the “+” icon located at the bottom center of your screen. This will open up your camera interface, allowing you to choose a photo from your gallery or take a new one. You can also select multiple photos to create a slideshow post.

Once you’ve chosen your content, you can enhance it by applying filters, adding captions, and tagging people or locations. This helps provide context and make your post more engaging. After you’ve finalized your post, click on the “Next” button located at the top-right corner of the screen.

On the next screen, you have the option to write a caption, add hashtags, tag people, and share your post on other social media platforms. Take advantage of these features to maximize the visibility of your post. If you want to share your post to your Instagram Story as well, simply tap on the “Your Story” option at the top of the screen before posting.

Remember that Instagram Stories are a great way to share more temporary or casual content with your followers. You can use text, stickers, music, and other effects to create engaging and interactive stories that complement your feed posts. Experiment with different formats and styles to keep your audience entertained and interested in your content.

uploading photos to instagram

Sharing Etiquette for Instagram Posts

When it comes to sharing Instagram posts, it is essential to follow proper sharing etiquette to maintain positive and ethical engagement on the platform. This includes asking for permission to repost content and giving credit to the original poster.

Before sharing someone else’s content, it is best practice to reach out and ask for their consent. By requesting permission, you show respect for the creator’s work and establish a positive relationship. Most creators are happy to grant permission as long as they are given proper credit for their photo or video.

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When reposting, it is recommended to use a reposting app that automatically copies the original caption and tags the creator. This ensures that the original poster is properly credited for their work and allows your followers to easily access the original post. If you choose to take a screenshot or use screen-recording to share someone else’s post, make sure to ask for permission and give credit in the caption.

Additionally, it is important to respect the privacy settings of private Instagram accounts. If a user has chosen to keep their content private, it is best to refrain from sharing their photos without explicit permission. Respecting the creators and their content is key to maintaining a positive and ethical presence on Instagram.

instagram sharing etiquette


  • Ask for permission before reposting someone else’s content.
  • Use a reposting app to automatically copy the original caption and tag the creator.
  • Give credit to the original poster in the caption when taking a screenshot or using screen-recording.
  • Respect the privacy settings of private Instagram accounts.


Sharing Instagram posts to your story is a valuable strategy for increasing engagement and expanding your reach on the platform. By simply tapping the paper airplane icon and selecting “Add Post to Your Story,” you can easily share your own posts or repost user-generated content. This process not only boosts engagement on your posts but also helps create a sense of community and gives credit to the original poster.

To make the most out of sharing Instagram posts to your story, consider using design hacks to maintain a cohesive aesthetic. Integrate your brand’s color palette into your repost stickers using the brush tool, or create a custom design overlay using editing apps. You can also add fun Instagram overlay stickers and leverage text, brush strokes, GIFs, and Instagram stickers to enhance your repost stickers.

When sharing someone else’s post, it’s crucial to follow proper sharing etiquette. Always ask for permission first and give credit to the original creator. Using a reposting app or asking for permission and giving credit in the caption are the best approaches. Finally, respect the privacy settings of private accounts and refrain from sharing their content without explicit permission.

With these tips and tricks, you can elevate your Instagram story game, increase engagement, and build a positive and ethical presence on the platform. So go ahead, start sharing, and watch your Instagram engagement soar!


How do I share an Instagram post to my story?

To share an Instagram post to your story, tap the paper airplane icon underneath the post and select “Add Post to Your Story.” From there, you can edit the post in your Instagram Story and add stickers or other elements to customize it.

Why should I share Instagram posts to my story?

Sharing Instagram posts to your story helps boost engagement on your posts by giving them additional exposure. It also creates a sense of community and gives credit to the original poster of user-generated content.

What are some design hacks for sharing Instagram feed posts to my story?

You can use the brush tool to integrate your brand’s color palette into your repost stickers, create a designed overlay using editing apps, use fun overlay stickers, create a collage effect, and leverage text, brush strokes, GIFs, and Instagram stickers for engaging designs.

How can I share someone else’s post on Instagram?

You can share someone else’s post as a sticker by clicking the arrow icon underneath the post and selecting “Add post to your Story.” You can also use a resharing app like Repost to copy the post’s link and reshare it to your feed.

How do I share my own posts on Instagram?

To share your own posts on Instagram, click the “+” shaped box in the upper part of the screen, choose a photo or video from your gallery, enhance it with filters and captions, and post it to your feed. You can also share the post to your story by clicking on “Your Story” or selecting “Story.”

What is the sharing etiquette for Instagram posts?

When reposting someone else’s content, it’s best to ask for permission first and give proper credit. You can use a reposting app that copies the original caption and tags the creator. If taking a screenshot or using screen recording, ask for permission and give credit in the caption. Respect the privacy settings of private accounts.

How can sharing Instagram posts benefit me?

Sharing Instagram posts to your story helps increase your visibility and reach on the platform. It boosts engagement, showcases user-generated content, and helps build a strong connection with your followers.